
Friday, November 19, 2010

Transformers Generation 1 Ironhide

 Ironhide Motto: "High-Tech circuitry is no replacement for guts!"

Transformer Line: Takara Encore Series (Japanese Reissue)

This is my first review for this blog.  Ironhide is one of the oldest and toughest Autobots, and has been on Optimus Prime's team for a long, long time. "They don't make them like they used to" is an apt description of Ironhide -- he's yesterday's model, but he's built to last.

The the toy in vehicle mode resembles a minivan and for the most part measures up it's cartoon mode.  Transformation is fairly easy for the toy itself.  In robot mode is where the downfall of this toy begins.  The most noticeable part of the toy in robot mode is that there is no head.  They have recently made an after-market attachment for this toy to give him a head, but as you can see I do not have that.  The robot itself can stand on a tank like vehicle and use a gun on it, oddly enough this feature was never really portrayed in the cartoon.

Despite Ironhide not being given the proper respect in his toy mode, he was and still is a very popular character in Transformer history.  I would have to say this is one of my least favorite characters as far as the toy itself goes, but he was fun to watch in the cartoon.

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